WILD pilgrimage – one week in adoration of the feral within & without
(In English – mit deutscher Übersetzung wenn nötig)
Our nature is cyclical.
Cyclical, like the earth that shapes us.
At home in the constant changes of body, hormones, being, psyche.
yet much of what makes up our nature is hidden in the stories of ancient myths;
Powers, treasures & shadows, forgotten in the collective subconscious,
But every woman feels them, in the depths of her womb…
The mystical essence of the great feral nature that gives birth to us, holds us, shapes us, devours us.
We are a continuum.
Waves of sensations and feelings flow through our consciousness.
Rivers of tears burst into laughter, explode into anger, melt into silence and form new life…
if we don’t interrupt!
If we don’t try to suppress or hold onto what is already fading.
If you assume normative consciousness to be logical, linear and rational, you will misjudge femininity as chaotic and may end up in a never-ending struggle trying to fix your own psyche.

It is time for femininity.
Wild, raw, feral femininity.
Holded in our connection to the forces of indomitable nature.
This is your call to embark on a pilgrimage in honor of the indescribable Goddess & to reclaim your home within her.
We will be guided by Iceland. Mother of dragons. Keeper of the feral. Teacher of hummilty and strength.
In adoration we will wander, kissing her large body with our steps, love songs for her majesty on our tounges.
Held between Mount Esja and the Atlantic Ocean, we will dedicate ourselves to the non-linear depth of our feminine nature encompassed by her feral bounty.

Outer Pilgrimage
To pilgrim means to wander the land in a state of prayer & wonder. We will continously cultivate a presence of receptivity, so we may notice her teachings. It is a practice of simple, profound admiration for nature
step after step…
Every morning we will pilgrim to the spring in Mount Esja, sing her praise & receive her crystal fresh water.
Most evenings we will pilgrim to the Atlantic Ocean in silence or song.
We will also make 2 major day pilgrimages. Most likely one will be a long hike up to the highest waterfall of europe along the most astonishing landscapes, home to fairies and other mystic cretaures. The second day pilgramage will be through the ancient caves of glacier Snæfellsjökull and down to a secluded coast, where we will have the chance to bow infront of majestic stone guardians & maybe listen to their songs from the beginings of time…
We will spent the evenings after the day pilgramages in a hot pool by the ocean or one of Icelands fantastic spas.

Please note that this land is unpredictable in its alivenesss. We will allow her to guide us, which may lead to spontanous changes of plans.


Inner pilgrimage
Day by day we will spiral into ever deeper layers of the feral feminine nature as it expresses through us.
Peeling of the dry old skin of patriarchal conditioning as we morph into original devotees of the wild. Praying through the pleasure of sensitive hearts, and juicy wombs, fierce tounges and spicy laughter…
As she is the mystical expression of everchanging life, no one can plan this experience. All there is to do is to make ourselves available for her emergence.
To support this we will practice Pelvis Evolution (klick for details) and/or resonant body cultivation daily. Everything else will come through the magic of life within our coven.
Josepha and her experienced team will hold space from deep listening.
You’ll find potential elements of our inner pilgrimage in the following section.
Everything we do is always optional. It is always your choice in what and how deep you participate.
There is plenty of support if needed

Potential elements of our innter pilgrimage:
+ Somatic research, dance & embodiment
+ Ritual, myths & their archetypes
+ Invocation, prayer & devotional singing
+ Circling / forum / sharing (with body oriented intervention)
+self de-armoring / self-pleasure practices / erotic invocation
+ embodied rage / grief /sisterhood / devotion
+play-fight / body work
+ creating art

WILD pilgrimage is for you to:
+ liberate the multifaceted nature of your femininity
+ reestablish savety & stability within & surrender outer control
+ delve deeper into your relationship with the mystical forces of nature and its/your cycles
+ dismantle dis-functional conditioning and internalized patriarchy
+ return to healthy self-confidence and deep reverance for life
+ reclaim the sacredness of your body & emotions
+ uncover the intelligence of your female body
+ restore your connection to the sacred / nature / the feral
+ sharpen your instincts
+ experience healthy sisterhood
+ return to essence
+find healthy hummilty & devotion to forces beyond our control

Hey, I’m your host Josepha:
Cultural anthropologist, mystic & somatic researcher with a strong passion for the female body and feminine mysteries. I accompany women in their authentic connection to the magic of the earth & guidance through their instinctual body.
My upbringing in an esoteric cult was characterized by daily devotion, meditation & prayer, as well as regular festivals with praise songs & old folk dances.
I was also taught a belief system based on rigid concepts about good, evil, sexuality, womanhood & marriage. It was a world that deeply stirred the mystical waters of my Scorpio-nature & yet had not an inch of permission for the expression of the feral being I was and am.
Like so many women, I too have been conditioned by the paradox of being expected to be pious while experiencing sexualization and abuse.
These circumstances finally activated my rigorous research urge to examine spiritual and cultural paradigms to the core.
I studied cultural anthropology and learned Gestalt therapy, Kundalini yoga, as well as somatic and energetic healing approaches.
My psycho-somatic women’s empowerment is dedicated to restore individual and cultural fullness beyond patriarchal influences and self-respect in deep connection with mystical nature.
In all of this, the body and embodied experience play an essential role. Ultimately, everything we are is based on the visceral experience of contact with ourselves and our environment.
Thank you so much for your interest in my work.
I’m looking forward to meet you.
Accommodation & Practicalities
We will be hosted by my beloved elder witch Yra, who stuarts an old farm located at the base of Mount Esja, overlooking the atlatnic ocean, which is a 30min walk away. Historically it is known as one of the earliest settlement sites in Iceland.
Yra & her helping hands have transformed the old farm into a truly unique earth-womb-temple. Its the perfect space for our inner pilgrimage. A few meters Above you’ll find your accommodation in rustic Glamping Buses with small kitchen areas and a shared Bath House.
Next to the inner temple there is a Sauna, two outdoor ritual spaces, a chickens house and a lot of magic to explore in the surrounding 5 hectares of hillside fields.

Pilgrimage Time:
4th May 2025 Evening – 10th May 2025 Afternoon
Please make sure to arrive before 5pm on 4th May (we will organize collective pick up(s) from reykjavik).
There might be a possiblitiy to book extra nights (without food) before / after. Please let us know in the sign up form, if that is intersting for you.

financial contribution:
Early bird until 4th March 25:
After 4th March 25:
Extra fee for private accommodation:
We have space for 15 witches.
Your contribution covers:
-3 vegetarian, glutenfree meals a day
– 6 nights accomodation in a shared glamping bus (3 women per bus)
– shuttle from/to rejkyavik (To a bus station with connection to the airport)
– travel-costs for day pilgrimages
– facilitation fee
The Button will forward you to a sign up form with further information
& a request to transfer 572€ to reserve your spot.
If you have any question please write to me at kontakt@spiritembodiment.de
Thank you so much for your trust & courage.
I’m percolating in anticipation!
With all my love,
Josepha Sophia